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Elba Rose Diamond Like

Elba Rose Latest Track “Diamond Like”

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Elba Rose’s third single from her upcoming debut EP, ‘Diamond Like,’ is a peaceful alt pop piece that explores Elba Rose’s mental health difficulties. Beginning with an intimate vocal over a synth, the song’s first chorus will pique listeners’ interest with a drop into a hiphop inspired drum rhythm, distorted synths and bass, and an 808 with Idris Elba’s layered ethereal vocals on top.

Elba Rose has struck a middle ground between alternative pop and Hip-Hop influenced sounds in producing something unique for herself that few other musicians are doing. We were initially pulled to the pounding bass in the mix, which appears to drive the beat, but her vocals were by far our favourite element of “diamond like.” We took the time to listen to the first two tracks offered as a teaser, and while we loved them both, this one felt like the standout.

Elba Rose, an alternative pop musician based in Brighton, is attempting and succeeding in putting together an eclectic combination of sounds and styles. On her latest project, “diamond like,” she maintains a basic production that allows her voice to shine. While the song depends heavily on imagery-driven language, it also manages to create a distinct mood in the process. We’ve thoroughly loved our repeated listens and believe you will as well once you get started.

Elba is speaking openly about her personal hardships and other meaningful issues, bringing the music full circle in terms of ticking all of our boxes for what we like best. It’s more than simply a catchy beat and a laid-back vocal style; it’s an artist being vulnerable with her words and presenting a tale that deserves to be heard.

Listen to Elba Rose’s ‘Diamond Like’ song below.

Don’t forget to follow Elba Rose on Instagram.

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