Produced by Will Packer Productions, Dashing Through the Snow features Ludacris as Eddie, a social worker who meets with his daughter Charlotte (Madison Skye) on Christmas Eve. Eddie and Charlotte go out on a fanciful trip that puts them in conflict with a local politician (Oscar Nuñez) after meeting an odd man named Nick (Lil Rel Howery) who is dressed to the nines like Santa Claus.
Tim Story is also working with Disney for the first time on Dashing, and he found the cultural significance of the studio to be both fascinating and intimidating. “[I’ve] always been into entertaining adults and teenagers, or whatever the case may be, but how do you entertain kids?” inquiries about stories. “And, of course, knowing that you want to do justice for the Disney brand and so forth.”
Story also gives Skye credit for keeping the festive mood on set, which was no easy feat considering the film was shot in the sweltering summer and autumn months in Atlanta. “She was kind of our secret weapon to keep us all in the right spirit,” Story says. “When you see this little girl come to the set every day and be excited and happy… that made it easier because you would see her eyes go [big] when she saw certain things… she always brought that spirit, and she reminded you constantly what you were doing.”
It’s Disney, so you also try to take it just a little bit farther than maybe it would [go elsewhere] whenever I was able to paint a room or a place,” Story adds. And to just go for it and recreate Christmas has always been enjoyable. It reminded me of my early years.”
Dashing through the snow will be available on Disney + on November 17
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