This Halloween, the 10-year-old daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian dressed up as West’s “Dropout bear” mascot, replicating the character’s 2007 album cover attire. The youngster was channelling her own father. A video that appeared on the TikTok account that North has with her mother on Saturday morning had the preteen dancing in the outfit to an accelerated rendition of Estelle’s “American Boy”—a Graduation
While North’s look is more of a nod to West’s third album cover, his third album cover features the bear get-up and gold Jesus piece worn by the Graduation version of the mascot. West also featured a rendition of the mascot on the cover of his sophomore LP, Late Registration, in 2004.
North also danced to two more Graduation songs, “I Wonder” and “Can’t Tell Me Nothing,” in additional uploaded TikTok posts. In one video, she showed off how much she looked like her father by taking off her bear head, while in another, North was seen dancing in the animal costumes for almost a minute.
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