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Greetings dearest gentle reader and music let’s welcome English artist Mick J Clark. This remarkable artist released a beautiful song titled “Sing Glory Glory Hallelujah”. The song was released on the 27th of October, let’s get into the details of the song

The song opens with these church like bells and right there and then listeners can tell that this is a festive season

The song is clearly about Christmas. In the song, the character mentions things that are affiliated with the holiday like Christmas trees gifts under the Christmas tree, and the three wise men (”the baby child called Jesus Christ who will show us the way to peace on earth”). Clark went in the traditional way of celebrating Christmas, including the birth of the messiah as opposed to those who celebrate the philanthropist St Nicholas.

The instrumentation includes guitar sounds, bell sounds, and very operatic violin sounds. The bell sounds and ethereal mouth percussions really give this song a very elegant and classy piece of music

This song was extremely beautiful and will put you in a celebratory mood even if you’re a Grinch during the holidays. It also reminds us that this time is the perfect opportunity for cease-fires and for us to come together and be peaceful with one another. Clark has reminded me of the importance of Christmas with his elegant vocal performance and delightful instrumentation, he’s a talented artist and will go very far in the industry

Stream “Sing Glory, Glory Hallelujah” on Spotify

Follow Mick J. Clark on here and his socials; Twitter, Instagram, YouTube

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