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Greetings dearest gentle reader and music fans worldwide, let’s welcome the band Ferrn. Long-time artists and friends from the Gainesville, Florida, and Chicago, Illinois, music scenes collaborated to create Ferrn. The band consists of Ryan Backman, a singer, songwriter, composer, and producer, who has been involved in a number of musical endeavors in Gainesville, Florida, Jonathan Mondragon, a bassist and producer, involved in the Chicago music scene as a performer and a showgoer and guitarist Tyler Earls who plays guitar in his own solo project, Cuckoo & The Birds, and Ferrn, he has played bass in bands such Poppy Mallows and Augurs of Eden. On 25th October, the band released a ten-song album called “Endless and elsewhere”. Let’s talk more about this album

The first song on the album is called “Ponnd”. The song begins with immersive sounds that are intriguing, as well as piano sounds. The sounds in the song are like being in a swamp at night and as a pictorial reference, it is like the Disney movie, the princess and the Frog. In the movie, the main character turns into a frog after kissing the prince who had been turned into a frog. To go back to being human they had to travel through the swamp to seek out a voodoo practitioner. The sounds of crickets, and the frog croaking in this song are exactly like the swamp in the movie. To realize how accurately they captured a night in the swamp is beyond amazing. This mind-blowing song opens up the album

Up next is “new life”. The song opens with a piano melody but later the rhythm picks up. The song is about a character who is dreaming and wishing for a new beginning and a new life by letting go of things that was holding him or she. The song has a very laid-back allure that is very refreshing

“Drowned” is the next song. The song is upbeat right from the start. The song has a nice piano melody which is so beautiful and stunning and talks about drowning. This line might be poetic and metaphorical or can mean literal drowning, either way, it is talking about being overwhelmed. The vocals and instrumentation are just delightful and listeners will fall in love with this track

Up next is called “nightmare furniture”. This song has an exciting intro which later slows down. It is heavenly and so so ethereal that will just calm you down. The song and the way it was made was just genius

Up next is the song “True Sleep Waits”. The song has a beautiful intro. The song encourages listeners to live life to the fullest because real sleep (death) awaits each and every person. The vocal performance is beautiful and the instrumentation is an inescapable life-changing experience

“Look” is the next song on the album. The intro is a combination of ethereal and soft sounds. Throughout the song, listeners are to expect an unforgettable performance. The arrangement of the sounds to create this piece of music is just next-level awesome. This song breathes new life into the album

“Drift” is the next song on the album. The intro is an impressive mix of sounds. The song is very interesting. You can tell how much work the band put into this song because of how hypnotic the sound is

Up next is the song “Whorl”. This song opens with what seems to be rev sounds and a beautiful piano sound. When the bass is added, dear God, I lost my shit because it was performed so well and how amazing it is

Next is the song on” Evergladde”. This is yet another song with a piano intro. The vocal performance was beautiful and listeners will have a good time enjoying this song and will fall in love with it as I did

The last song on the album is “Welcome to”. This song has a beautiful piano sound. The song sounds heavenly and like taking flight in the air, the song is stunning and magnificently composed especially when synth pop sounds are fused into it. Hats off to the band for making this song that closes the album with Grace and elegance

Each tune started with voice and piano and synth, typically from solo improvisations. In a home studio, we then started assembling these tracks. Every sample, synth, drum machine, and key was used, recorded, and processed at home. After guitarist Tyler Earls joined the group, the music changed and became considerably more upbeat and energetic. The back and forth of rewriting tracks to meet the energy that the guitar parts contributed produced some of our favorite moments on the record. After the songs were finished, we went to Grazier Audio to record the bass, guitar, and vocals with Max Grazier, who is a member of Rat Tally. Max used a great deal of magic.

The music was created in response to the need for something proactive and forward-thinking amid a worldwide pandemic and worsening climate change. In a depressing and confusing world, a lot of it is about looking for something better. Since some members of the band were born in Florida, discussing climate anxiety naturally brought up the state as a theme as well. The album conjures up a world that is both beautiful and unsettling, reminiscent of a hypothetical dystopian Florida. They are a talented group of musicians and I can’t wait to hear more music from them

Stream the “endless and everywhere” album on Spotify 


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