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Greetings to all my dedicated readers and fellow music fans. Let’s welcome the Australian band The sex guys. Garage punk band The Sex Guys make a triumphant comeback with their third single “Tin Foil Hat,” released on 10th January, following the success of two 2023 hits, “We Are Not Your Friends” and “Out Of My Head.” The song, which is a light-hearted examination of conspiracy theories and the peculiarities of human belief, is currently available as a preview of their upcoming first EP, Hear Cum The Sex Guys. Let’s talk more about this song

The song bursts out with a very vibrant guitar and drum sound which is so captivating and will whet your appetite, waiting for the song to begin

The song, is a light-hearted examination of conspiracy theories and the peculiarities of human belief, (“ praying for alien intervention”). The character is fed up with being mistreated by the high powers that be and is just looking for a way out. In pop culture, people who wear tin foil hats are people who believe that aliens exist and wear them to protect themselves from being mind-controlled. Also, The frustrations of interacting with someone who is deeply involved in conspiracy theories are also the subject of the song. They simply have surface-level information; they aren’t at the balls-deep level, where suit-clad individuals would be. That’s why the band says knee-deep. Those guys are the subject of this song

The Sex Guys’ trademark high-energy sound is featured in “Tin Foil Hat,” but it also swings towards a catchier, sing-along style with an amazing chorus. The song delivers relevant stories about the social frustrations of dealing with conspiracy theorists while balancing witty comedy and musical skill.

This song is clearly a labor of love. The band sounded extremely passionate when they performed this song. I can’t imagine how exhilarating it would be to see them in action. This song was a poetic scream fest that everyone will enjoy. The band did a fantastic job and I can’t wait to hear more music from them

Stream “Tin Foil Hat” on Spotify and SoundCloud

Follow The Sex Guys on their socials; Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube

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