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Al Mur Duende Song

Al Mur Unveiled “Duende” Song

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13 May 2022 (London, UK)Al Mur has today unveiled “Duende”, the freshly release single from him after Morning Kiss, Capturing The Mood and Day Off. The song was officially released on April 26 under the Label of Nuit Blanche.

“Duende” is ideal for listening to before going to bed since you know your dreams will be vivid and dazzling. It has such a pleasant and beautiful atmosphere, energetic yet also serene. It’s the type of music that makes you happy.

Al Mur’s lo-fi instrumental piece “Duende” provides such a beautifully peaceful mood that takes all your concerns and worries away, like if there’s a switch in the back of your head and once the music starts, it just turns all the troubling thoughts off and urges you to dance.

The track begins with a distant atmospheric piano that gradually approaches, layering instrumentation. Saxophone melodies that are expressive weave their free-form thoughts into magnificent hues, like butterflies tiptoeing on your pleasant nerves.

Electronics contribute to “Duende’s” bizarre dream-like atmosphere. The laid-back beats and interesting effects add the finishing touch to the live elements, giving them life and energy. Al Mur did an excellent job of balancing these factors, resulting in a creative and peaceful setting that everyone could enjoy.

The only thing missing was the desire for this work to be longer, perhaps an hour, so that listeners might be totally submerged in its enchanting dreamland.

Don’t forget to give thumps up to Al Mur by following him on Instagram as almuras.

See also: Bineal Roy Out With “Maybe” Video

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