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Welcome gentle readers and music fans. Let’s welcome back to our blog Cris Cap . Virtuoso pianist Cris Cap, who is based in Germany, has become well-known for his ability to combine soul, jazz-pop, and R&B to create a distinctive sound. Cris wowed me with his single “ Don’t you cry”. The song was advisory convincing listeners not to give up. On 28th June he released a six-track EP called “Unrequited Love”. The EP features six tracks with five distinctive singers, all showcasing my blend of funk, soul, and contemporary R&B. Let me tell you more about this EP

The album’s title track is called “Unrequited”. The song is opened with the strike of a very energetic guitar chord and then Cap begins his performance. The song describes a lovely lady who has gained the character’s admiration and is incredibly attracted to her(@he’s drawn to her like a moth to a flame”). As the song progresses we are led to believe that the affection is one sidestep (“unrequited, he’s falling fast”). The song is very lively, the vocal performance is powerful and the saxophone solo is a pleasant surprise with an interesting vibe and the storyline is captivating. With this fantastic song, you are welcomed to the EP

The next song is called “Don’t You Cry”. This is a song that features Tyla Raè. This song has even amassed more power since I first heard it. But its inspirational message stays the same. It encourages listeners to hold out hope because things will be okay soon (it’s always dark before the dawn”). I will continue to applaud Cris for putting out this message, especially with the way the world has become

Next is the song called “Howlin at the Moon”. This song features Gary. The song describes a man who has fallen deep in love with a woman(“now I’m hooked up for eternity”) The persona uses this metaphor to mean that he’s ready to let the world know about his feelings for her(“I’m howling at the moon and all I say is true”), although it sounds like he had given up. The electric guitar solo was just the icing on top of this already-perfect cake

The song that follows is titled “Show My Love” another song featuring Tyla Raè. The song is about a character pleading to her lover to give her an opportunity to show his love for him(“Can I show my love for you how can I prove it’s true?”). The character is willing to go the extra mile for his love interest. The song is lively where the singer and the instruments are in perfect harmony and once again the saxophone makes a lovely appearance. You will just fall in love with this particular tune.

Next is the song “Angel in My Room”. The song’s intro is beautiful and tender when the song begins you might think that the persona is talking about the celestial being which is an angel (“there’s an angel in my room and she’s oh so beautiful “) Later we come to know that he is not actually describing the celestial being but rather his partner or lover(“ I can’t believe it’s you”). The song I think is a metaphor for holding your partner in the highest esteem. The instruments are lively and colorful and create a sonic soundscape like no other

The last song on the EP is titled “Wings of Love”. The song features J Burney. The song has these dreamy openings and the mouth percussions are just delightful. The song seems to come from the point of view of a father or mother figure, encouraging their younger ones to take the risk and spread their wings(“spread your wings”)And let you fly away on wings of love”(“spread your wings”). The instrumentals and the vocal performance are in perfect sync and end the EP in a fantastic way that will linger long after the song has ended

Cris Cap is a very talented artist and I knew and felt that since listening to his single. He puts heart and warmth into each of his songs. He loves making music as you can feel the little pieces of love he sprinkles on all his work. I implore you not to forget his name because he is about to a household name when it comes to music very very soon

Stream the “Unrequited Love” EP on Spotify 

Follow Cris Cap on his socials; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bandcamp, YouTube

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