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Yoder Daffodils

Yoder Shares Life Experience in “Daffodils” Song

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The cathartic indie-pop music “Daffodils,” by New York-based artist Yoder, relates his own experience and transports the listener on an emotional trip.

With its hefty piano chords, ticking percussion, and Yoder’s lighthearted melody, “Daffodils” immediately strikes us as an optimistic tune. This, however, is simply a façade to hide the profound sense of misery experienced at the height of the pandemic.

Daffodils is a psychedelic Bedroom Pop/Lofi-Pop ballad that brings back the vintage slow-dance song with a stunningly surreal sound and melody. Yoder paints a terribly sincere depiction of his struggle to keep love at any costs, so you may see his tenacity for yourself. Written and produced in New York City by Yoder, this VMAN.com supported artist competes with Rex Orange County and Tyler the Creator by fusing genuine heartfelt passion with glitzy, bold production.

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Yoder Daffodils

Yoder’s pain and passion are palpable as he expresses his desperate attempt to retain normalcy in the midst of incredibly abnormal circumstances in this poem, which was written at the height of COVID while he was mourning the loss of the outdoors and while going through personal hardship. Daffodils is an appeal for all of us to focus on the smaller things, like the daffodils outside, rather than becoming distracted by the more significant existential problems looming over us. Yoder cautions us to remain in the now at times of crisis because, before we realise it, the simple things we take for granted can be gone from us before we can say goodbye.

Don’t forget to follow Yoder on Instagram.

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